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About ShoppingGives for Nonprofits
Clearity Impact Network
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Frequently Asked Questions
For Nonprofit Organizations
About ShoppingGives for Nonprofits
Verified Nonprofits List
How does ShoppingGives work?
How can my nonprofit use the ShoppingGives platform?
How does ShoppingGives remain compliant with Cause Marketing regulations when donating to nonprofits?
Who are your brand partners and how do they give to our nonprofit?
Does a nonprofit have to sign anything to be fundraised for through ShoppingGives?
I work for a nonprofit organization and cannot find it in your system.
How does ShoppingGives make money if you’re free for nonprofits?
How do I get my nonprofit organization featured on your website?
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Clearity Impact Network
What kind of impact can we expect to have on our nonprofit's fundraising efforts by participating in the Impact Network?
How does the Impact Network measure the ROI of our cause marketing efforts?
What kind of resources or training does the Impact Network offer to help nonprofits create effective cause marketing campaigns?
How does the Impact Network ensure that brand partnerships are aligned with our nonprofit's values and goals?
What kind of support can we expect from the Impact Network team throughout the partnership process?
How does the data-driven approach of the Impact Network help nonprofits identify ideal corporate partners for their cause?
What kind of impact has the Impact Network had on other nonprofits that have joined?
How can joining the Impact Network help my nonprofit create stronger partnerships and drive real change?
What is expected of our nonprofit?
What other nonprofits are participating in our same category?
What brands or kinds of brands are participating?
What is the projected potential donation amount my nonprofit could get from participating?
Can my nonprofit participate without sharing our data?
Will my nonprofit have the opportunity to approve or decline brands?
What kind of access will I have if I join the Clearity Impact Network?
Is there any compliance coverage for the partnership?
What kind of corporate partners will I be matched with?
How does the Clearity Impact Network work?
Why are you asking for my audience data?
How much does it cost to join the Clearity Impact Network?
What is the Clearity Impact Network?
What is a Verified Nonprofit and how are they selected?
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Receiving Donations
How does my nonprofit organization receive funds from your app?
How do I know which companies have donated to support my nonprofit through ShoppingGives?
How can my nonprofit locate ShoppingGives Grants in PayPal Giving Fund?
My nonprofit is fiscally sponsored by another 501(c)(3). Can we still be supported through ShoppingGives?
As a nonprofit, are we responsible for providing the brands with donation receipts?
Are you able to grant us the donations via our website or a check?
Are the donations my nonprofit receives from ShoppingGives from individuals or corporations?
Why does my nonprofit need a PayPal Giving Fund profile to receive funds if we already have a PayPal account?
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Fundraiser Support
How do I add team members?
How can I edit my fundraiser?
Why don’t my images fit right on my fundraiser page?