Preview Mode

Our App Manager has a Preview Mode that allows you to experience the ShoppingGives donation app as your customer would, without having to activate the app. You are able to make purchases in Preview Mode, but these will not yield donations nor will they affect your donation metrics. 

Only you as the manager will experience the ShoppingGives donation app when preview mode is activated and your customers will only experience the ShoppingGives donation app when you press “Activate” within the Global Settings. 

To ensure Preview Mode is disabled, press “Deactivate Preview,” then close and reopen whichever tab or window you were using for Preview Mode.    

Should Preview Mode be disabled while it is in use for a session, it will remain activated for the remainder of that session, unless the page is refreshed and/or the cache is cleared.

How do I enable Preview Mode?

To enable Preview Mode, you can follow these steps:

  • From within the Impact Portal, click on Campaigns from the left side menu
  • Select which campaign you would like to enable Preview Mode on
  • From the Campaign Settings tab within your chosen campaign, click on Preview Mode as seen below:

  • A new tab should open of your store's site and you will be able to see a preview of the donation widget on your site.

How do I know Preview mode is on?

While Preview Mode is on, our experience will display a 'This is a Preview' at every ShoppingGives donation app touchpoint. For example, on the widget and at the top of the confirmation modal. Users may deactivate either on the App Manager or on the preview by clicking the (?).

On the widget:

Top of all modals: